Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling,…
Modern world is fraught with extirpating materialism and dazzling multimedia. It has acquired the appearance of a vast inane desert where the humankind burns its feet in the wild sands of five evils. Bhagat Milkha Singh Ji with his pious efforts is helping the disciples of Guru Nanak Dev Ji find in the hot desert the oasis of His Great Satnam. Gurudwara Sahib at Guru Ram Dass Puri has become the nucleus of the conservation of the Sikh values and norms. Here each morning and evening one can witness young and old assembling under the conopy of Satnam Waheguru spread out by Bhagat Ji. In the precinct of Gurudwara Sahib is a big Birdh Ashram in wich the needy elderly people of the society find a cosy home equirped with all the amenities free of cost. Bhagat Milkha Singh Ji personally visits the Ashram and sees to the comforts of the inmates living there. Another rare service that Bhagat Ji has rendered for the cause of sikh society is the free marriages of the girls from the lower strata of public life. All the requisite items to run a home are provided by Bhagat Ji
Introduction Baba Thakur ji Guru Ram Dass Public School, Shahdin Wala, Ferozepur was founded by Baba Thakur Singh Ji, Head Damdami Taksal on 12th Oct 1995 under the religious canopy of Bhagat Milkha Singh Ji
The admissions are opened to students for all the classes. new admissions are based on written entrance test and interview to the satisfaction of the principal. minimum age for admission to the nursery is 3 years + as on 31st -march
We are proud of our highly qualified, stable, cooperative and dedicated staff committed to the cause of education. The School is recognized by Punjab State & is affiliated of C.B.S.E. Delhi. The academics are based on the books prescribed by C.B.S.E. & N.C.E.R.T
Whilst we aim to ensure every child reaches their full potential academically, they are also taught that they can be successful in many different ways. This could be anything.
Guru Ram Dass Public School offers opportunities for all pupils to achieve excellence in academic, culture, artistic, social justice at community endeavour. Our focus is to develop our students as global citizens with tolerance respect and appreciation of diverse culture and religions for a life learning experience. They should be self motivated, independent, confident decision makers to take up a leadership roles in future.
At end I would lie to thank all the parents who have reposed faith in our institute and I assure you that our loved ones are in safe hands. Our staff understands the ethos of the school and help in guiding and encouraging the children will make both you and us proud
I extended a warm welcome to you and your family. I am very proud to be the principal of this wonderfull school as principal, I use all tools available to inspire staff, students all community to work together to promote student achievement. At GRDPS we provide an atmosphere to our students for multi faced development.
We want age of our student to leave school with values of respect, cooperation and striving excellence. Education is a life long learning process it happens in the home , between home and school too.
I extended a warm welcome to you and your family. I am very proud to be the principal of this wonderfull school as principal, I use all tools available to inspire staff, students all community to work together to promote student achievement. At GRDPS we provide an atmosphere to our students for multi faced development.
We want age of our student to leave school with values of respect, cooperation and striving excellence. Education is a life long learning process it happens in the home , between home and school too.
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A place where we hope inspire and create long love of reading.
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Our school enjoys a rich and thriving best students experience.
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Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy environment for your child, where they are able to be themselves and thrive; while acquiring the educational foundation needed to achieve
Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling,…
Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling,…
Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling,…
All of our dedicated staff work together to plan lessons and activities in order to incorporate a combination of real-life scenarios, play experiences, problem solving opportunities and book work.
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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.